Financial Education Financial Inclusion Microfinance

The Asia Foundation launched Accelerate My Business

We launched Accelerate My Business (AMB) in #Vietnam! Working with local partner Center for Women and Development, this bold initiative is unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of 25,000 Vietnamese women by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and support to thrive in the digital economy. Check out some quick highlights from the event: Dive into more coverage about AMB:

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Financial Inclusion Microfinance

Vietnam’s financial inclusion priorities: Expanding financial services and moving to a ‘non-cash economy

It’s nighttime and the streets are bustling in Vietnam’s cities and towns. Buoyed by years of strong growth, the country has a burgeoning middle class with purchasing power to sustain restaurants and cafes, full and open late into the night, busy retailers and a high penetration of mobile phones – more than one per person. The economy, however, continues to run on cash and a majority of adults still don’t have formal financial services such as a basic transaction account. Moving to a “non-cash” system is a priority for the…

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Financial Inclusion Microfinance Value chain


Microfinance works to improve economic conditions for poor clients, help them increase their incomes and improve their lives, by providing financial services to them. In fact, the poor often have difficulty accessing formal financial services due to a number of barriers, especially without collateral, when accessing formal credit services. In addition, MFIs are aiming to provide long-term clients with the ability to access sustainable financial services. Thus, microfinance is considered as a development tool for the poor, not just a financial service and it targets the following specific development goals:…

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Financial Inclusion

Workshop on Technology-based Business Models in Support of Financial Inclusion in Vietnam

On December 15, 2017, with the support of ADA and SECO, VMFWG, together with SBV and IFC co-organized the workshop on Technology-based Business Models in Support of Financial Inclusion in Vietnam. Participants attending the event include Secretary General of Vietnam Banks Association, former Deputy Governor of State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Toan Thang, and 111 representatives from the Vietnam Government, Ministries, Central agencies and organizations, 22 MFIs, Diplomatic Corps, international and local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). The event also attracted numerous reporters from credible newspapers and TV channels. The purposes of…

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